Jonathan Littman

Groundbreaking books, articles and investigative series on diverse subjects have been the hallmark of Jonathan’s career, from innovation and high-tech to sports, crime and business. Jonathan is the co-author of The Art of Innovation and The Ten Faces of Innovation, two bestsellers about the legendary design strategy firm IDEO that have combined international sales of half a million copies.

Jonathan’s exclusive first-hand story about the hacker Kevin Mitnick exposed the media hype, and earned Jonathan profiles in Newsweek and the New Yorker. Similarly, his inside reporting on the BALCO investigation and Barry Bonds in Playboy and for Yahoo! Sports debunked the national press, revealed the flaws in the government’s anti-steroids campaign and led to appearances on ESPNFox and national radio. Jonathan’s true crime books, The Fugitive Game and The Watchman, have been translated into more than fourteen languages. He is the author of eight books, three of which have been optioned for films.

A longtime Contributing Editor at Playboy, Jonathan has written major pieces for the magazine about subjects ranging from Super Bowl ticket hustlers to the Masters golf tournament, and a college hazing that turned deadly. He has been nominated for a Pulitzer, won two Computer Press Awards, and a NY Press Club Journalism Award in 2009 and Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism in 2010. Jonathan first blogged professionally in 1997, and has recently blogged about business and innovation for The Huffington Post and American Express Open Forum, and has done branding work for Garmin and Sony.

Jonathan has given numerous keynotes and executive briefings in the United States and Canada on innovation, social media and storytelling. He has also made more than a hundred appearances on television and radio on such national shows as All Things Considered, Fresh Air, Talk of the Nation, CNN, Fox, ESPN and CNBC. He holds a degree in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley.

Books By Jonathan Littman

The Entrepreneur's Faces