The 10 Laws of Trust
David Kaplan, Co-author
Trust is the glue that holds an organization together. It turns deflection into transparency, suspicion into empowerment, and conflict into creativity. With it, a tiny company like John Deere grew into a worldwide leader. Without it, a giant corporation like Enron toppled. In The 10 Laws of Trust, JetBlue chairman Joel Peterson explores how a culture of trust gives companies an edge. Consider this: What does it feel like to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another? Freed from micromanagement and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best. Risk taking and innovation become the norm. And, as Peterson notes, "When a company has a reputation for fair dealing, its costs drop: Trust cuts the time spent second-guessing and lawyering." In clear, engaging prose, highlighted by compelling examples, Peterson details how to establish and maintain a culture of trust. Steps include:
- Start with integrity
- Invest in respect
- Empower everyone
- Require accountability
- Create a winning vision
- Keep everyone informed
- Budget in line with expectations
- Embrace conflict
- Forget "you" to become an effective leader
- And more
With this book in hand, you'll be able to plant the seeds of trust—and reap the rewards of reputation, profits, and success.